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2 reviews
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A frantic spaceship arcade


AstroMenace is a classic spaceship arcade game in which you'll have to advance through an invisible corridor with your ship located on the bottom part of the screen while tons of enemies appear on the top part.

The game is divided into fifteen levels in which you must demonstrate your skills at dodging projectiles fired at you from dozens of different enemy ships which you will find along the campaign.

Fortunately, you'll have a great arsenal of all kinds of weapons which you can choose at the beginning of each mission to fight your enemies with. Also, during the course of the missions, you’ll be able to collect a series of aids that will allow you to launch more devastating attacks.

AstroMenace comes with two very different game modes: arcade and simulation. In the first one you can afford to make mistakes, while in the second one you'll have to dodge all the enemy attacks if you want to survive each one of the missions.

AstroMenace is a very fun spaceship game that, in spite of having relatively modern graphics with dozens of simultaneous special effects, still offers a traditional gameplay that is more fitting of arcade machine games than modern computers.

Reviewed by Andrés López Translated by Uptodown Localization Team

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License Free
Op. System Windows
Category Arcade
Language English
Author Viewizard
Downloads 1,188
Date May 7, 2013
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